1) Read 30 minutes; AR due Friday; study characterization cornell notes and pages 52-53 for tomorrow's test over chapter 2
2) Review word roots for tomorrow's midterm
3) Study Guide or cornell notes for chapter 3 section 2

1) 30 minutes, AR due Friday, study characterization cornell notes for Friday's test over chapter 2
2) Review word roots, WB pg. 38
3) Social Studies 3.1 (Study guide or take cornell notes)

1) Read 30 minutes; AR points due Friday, Write a summary for "Go for Broke"
2)WB page 27, review word roots for Friday's midterm. 
3) Social studies 3.1 study guide or cornell notes;  Caveman Cartoon due tomorrow.

1) Read 30 minutes. AR points due by Friday. Take cornell notes on "Wartime Mistakes"  and write a summary. 
2) WB page 25, review word roots for Friday's midterm. 
3)  Caveman Cartoon; Read Mesopotamia Fact Sheet and highlight

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