Practice Word Roots
Workbook page 95
Social Studies Study Guide 8.3 (vocab and questions 1-6) 

Practice Word Roots
Complete Direct Object Handout (back side) 
Social Studies Study Guide 8.3 (questions 7-10)
Begin selecting your Israel Menu project. 

Practice Word Roots (test next Thursday)
Workbook page 96
Start studying for Israel test (March 27)
Work on Menu *due March 28 or March 29
Get in your late/absent work by Tuesday. Our Israel party is Friday, March 30th, and your ticket in the door is no red boxes on Aeries! All work must be turned in! 

Thursday: Practice Word Roots (test next Thursday)
Workbook page 98Bring in a journal or notebook by Friday (or make one)
Start studying for Israel test (March 27)
Work on Menu *due March 28 or March 29Get in your late/absent work by Tuesday. Our Israel party is Friday, March 30th, and your ticket in the door is no red boxes on Aeries! All work must be turned in! Friday: Check Aeries for missing, late, and absent work. Start studying for Israel test (March 27)
Work on Menu *due March 28 or March 29Get in your late/absent work by Tuesday. Our Israel party is Friday, March 30th, and your ticket in the door is no red boxes on Aeries! All work must be turned in! 
Remember: We have minimum days on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday of this week. 

Finish paragraphs 3-4 of your persuasive essay. 
Israel Ch. 8 Section 2: Complete the vocab and questions 1,2, and 3 on the 8.2 Study Guide (download here)

Finish paragraph 5 of your persuasive essay. 
Fill out the synonym chart for overused words in your essay, and replace 4. 
Israel 8.2 Study Guide: Complete questions 4-10 on the study guide. 

Wednesday: Regular Late Start Schedule
Revise and edit your essay using the list on the front page of your packet
Social Studies: Begin reviewing for 8.1/8.2 quiz Friday
Type your essay. MLA Format(click for details) Size 12 font, Times New Roman, double spaced. Due Friday. 
Write a summary of 8.2 on your study guide (Israel). 
Study for 8.1/8.2 Quiz. You can use your study guides on the quiz, but only your study guides. Pack them full of information! 
Study Persuasive Writing vocabulary (test next week)
Complete Social Studies 8.1 Study Guide (questions 1-4)

Compassion Page (moviegoers only!) 
Complete Social Studies 8.1 Study Guide (questions 5-8)

Make persuasive writing revisions: find each of the 7 overused words one time in the essay, and replace it with a synonym. Use colored pens. I should see a total of 7 words circled and 7 rewritten words. 
Esther handout

Review clauses (retest Thursday)
Name that Dynasty Handout
Parent Permission Slip for movie next week (optional)

Review Clauses and Persuasive Writing notes
A picture is worth 1000 words handout (complete back side)

Study Persuasive Vocab
Clause Retest Tomorrow

Pro/Con Part 2 (top half only)
8.1 Study Guide (Vocabulary Only)
*Study for tomorrow's test on Clauses
*Foreign Words Quiz Friday
*SS packet due Thursday
*China test Thursday
*China menu due Friday

*Foreign Words Quiz Friday
*SS packet due Thursday
*China test Thursday
*China menu due Friday

Thursday: Foreign Words Quiz Friday*Review Persuasive terms
*China menu due Friday
WB page 83
Foreign Words Notecards due 2/24
Han and Other Cultures Study Guide (VOCAB and Questions 1-4)
Menu due 2/24

WB pg. 84-85
Review Clause Notes
Foreign Words Notecards
Review 7.5
Finish Power Handout (in class)

WB 86-87
Social Studies Menu
Synectics Quickwrite

Workbook page 12
Roots due Friday
Review Chapter 1 in Grammar for quiz tomorrow
Confucianism/ Legalism/ Daoism Chart

Workbook page 17-18 evens
Roots cards due Friday
Skit for L/D/C
Do 7.3 Vocabulary

Workbook pages 17-18 evens
Roots cards due Friday
China Menu due 2/24

Workbook pages 77-78
Roots quiz tomorrow (cards due)
China menu due 2/24
Study for prep/interj/conj quiz
Make word roots flash cards
Organize binders. 

Parts of Speech project (bring in a picture for it)
Roots cards
7.1 Social Studies Vocabulary

Grammar workbook
Parts of Speech project (write 3 sentences)
Roots Cards
Review 7.1 Geography of China

Grammar Workbook 
Parts of Speech (assemble poster) 
Roots Cards
7.2 Vocab (Social Studies)

Review Roots
Review 7.2 The Zhou Dynasty
*WB page 55
*Check Aeries for late work
*Review 6.1 and 6.2 Study Guide 
*India booklet

*WB page 60
*Review 6.3 and 6.4 Study Guide
*INdia booklet due tomorrow

*Review for India test tomorrow (packet due as well)

Have a great 3-day weekend! 
"Anna's Tenth Summer" - finish introduction paragraph
Roots cards (Quiz Friday)
6.4 Indian Empires vocabulary
India booklet (pictures)

Wednesday: "Anna's Tenth Summer" - finish body paragraph
Roots cards (Quiz Friday)
6.4 Indian Empires 0 Review study guide
India booklet (pictures)

Thursday: "Anna's Tenth Summer" - finish conclusion paragraph
Roots cards (Quiz Friday)
6.5 Indian Achievements Vocabulary and Questions 1-3
India Booklet

Friday:Roots quiz! 
Work on India booklet